Bulletins from the Hermitage
Starlet Vampire Series
Starlet Vampire
Head Shot
Starlet had been a successful Broadway actress, but she left New York for California soon after it became the movie capital of the world in the 1920's. This is her first headshot, taken soon after arriving in Hollywood. Like most American girls, she hoped to be a famous movie star one day.
Acrylic and crayon on canvas with fabric collage and glitter.
Starlet Vampire Appearing in
The Sound of Music
Starlet landed the lead role in the film, The Sound of Music, in 1965. This painting depicts her singing The Hills are Alive. Of course, she is a vampire, and as she sings, she respirates blood triumphantly into the atmosphere, in a mist of glitter. This role would bring her the fame and critical recognition she had craved for many hundreds of years.
Acrylic and crayon on canvas with paper collage and glitter. Stage set inspired by Gustav Klimpt.